App Fcuidarte
A project designed by pharmacists, which revalues and reinvents community pharmacy services and brings the services provided by pharmacies closer to citizens.
Web development:
We offer you the technology (App and web environment) that, together with the professional assistance of your pharmacy, allows you to know at all times the correct monitoring of the person you care for.
Wherever you are and with the device you have, you can follow the record of the person you care for, control their measurements of the different health indicators and their historical record. Your peace of mind and control of the health of the person you care for is the meaning of our monitoring and telemonitoring from the pharmacy.
Web application development:
A professional network of community pharmacies that ensure monitoring during the mobility of the service beneficiary.
It is your pharmacy at your side, providing you with the help and professional follow-up for your health and the treatments you need in your daily life.
A success in your pharmaceutical care.
Mobile application developmentFCuidarte Mobile App:
The pharmacy puts all its services and knowledge at your disposal to offer you monitoring of the effectiveness of your treatments, controlling their effectiveness for the benefit of your health.
It makes relevant information about you and your treatments available to your doctor, as well as the evolution of your health indicators, tension, weight, and specific analyses.